Home Education KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: Strategies for Ghana’s Industrial Transformation

KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: Strategies for Ghana’s Industrial Transformation

KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: Strategies for Ghana's Industrial Transformation
KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: Strategies for Ghana's Industrial Transformation

KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: KNUST School of Business has just launched its maiden policy review series. The locus was strategies for the industrial transformation of Ghana. The event saw academics, industry leaders, and policy framers congregating to discuss and distill points that will be essential in moving forward the industrial sector of the nation.

KNUST Business School Policy Review Series: Key Strategies for Industrial Transformation

At the event, key strategies for industrial development were highlighted by Professor Ahmed Agyapong, who is the Dean of the School of Business; these included embracing new technologies with the capacity to enhance productivity and efficiency. He emphasized that investment in research and development and in entrepreneurship was needed that will help provide digital transformation and drive industrial innovation.

It was also reiterated by Professor Agyapong that it is actually the smooth operation of the industries that ancillary calls for strong infrastructural development-transport networks, energy supply, and digital infrastructure. Priority for infrastructural projects that will promote smooth industrial activities with mirrored economic transformation therefore became another ingredient of the strategy.

KNUST Business School Policy Review Series

Another area of critical discussion was human capital development. Professor Agyapong called for sustained investments in education and training to develop a skilled and flexible workforce. Rationalization of academic curricula with the needs of industry and promoting lifelong learning were spearheaded as part and parcel to sustaining industrial growth.

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. This has also been brought to light as an integral ingredient of the success recipe in the industrial sector in respect to long term basis. It was underlined that encouragement of environment-friendly practices and policies entrenching green technology as pertinent to ensuring less environmental impact.

Creation of the enabling environment through effective and supportive policies is very important in industrial transformation. Investment promotion, encouragement of competition, and protection of stakeholders’ interests are some of the policies that Professor Agyapong points out to have supported industries in transforming themselves. He further sees public-private partnership playing a great role in industrial transformation; he underlines leveraging of resources and support for different industrial initiatives between the public and the private sector.

Insights from Industry Experts

The policy review series received contributions from well-known industry icons. Moses Asaga, a former Deputy Finance Minister, called for an energized macroeconomic environment that would spur the private sectors onto acting. Austin Gamey, the CEO of Gamey and Gamey Group, opined that the need to bring people together was to harmonize the human resource and the technology. Seth Twum Akwaboah, the CEO of Association of Ghana Industries, solicited government support in terms of funds and patenting that would spur industrial growth. Professor (Sr) Eugenia Amporfu and Dr. Samuel Yaw Akomea of KNUST stressed quality product output and corporate strategy in relation to industrial transformation.


The maiden KNUST School of Business policy review series provided a very comprehensive framework for industrial transformation in Ghana-through innovation, infrastructure, human capital, and collaborative efforts that will all work together towards ensuring sustained industrial growth relevant for improved global competitiveness. This event, more than anything else, reechoed the commitment of the university in engaging with all key stakeholders towards sourcing for meaningful industrial development through dialogue and collaboration.

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