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Friday, June 28, 2024
TEWU-Ghana to Disrupt KNUST Vice Chancellor Election: In a tense situation at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the Tertiary Education Workers Union-Ghana (TEWU-Ghana) plans to disrupt...


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TEWU-Ghana to Disrupt KNUST Vice Chancellor Election

TEWU-Ghana to Disrupt KNUST Vice Chancellor Election: In a tense situation at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the Tertiary Education Workers...

Prof Rita Akosua Dickson Reappointed as KNUST Vice Chancellor

Prof Rita Akosua Dickson Reappointed as KNUST Vice Chancellor: "Educate a woman, and you educate a nation." This quote encapsulates the transformative power of...

KNUST’s Prof. Owusu-Dabo on Alarming Healthcare Apathy

KNUST's Prof. Owusu-Dabo on Alarming Healthcare Apathy: The healthcare sector in Ghana has been in the eye of a storm of late, but the...

Zenith Bank Donates Laptops to KNUST

Zenith Bank Donates Laptops to KNUST: In a very public display of corporate social responsibility, Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd has donated 20 laptops to...

KNUST Holds 4-Day CPD Training for Technicians

KNUST Holds 4-Day CPD Training for Technicians: Picture this: every lab at the university runs like clockwork, every piece of equipment is in top...




Everything you need to know about KNUST campus politics.